Welcome to Namibia Biomass Industry Group!

N-BiG represents a wide range of members from the private/public sector and academics who are actively involved in the Namibian bush-biomass sector. We drive innovation and technology development and offer technical expertise on biomass value chains. Part of our mandate is to explore market opportunities and promote industry diversification. Through our Advisory Service division, we support capacity development by providing training and mentorship programs on sustainable bush control and biomass utilisation.

What We Do

News & Events

Turning bush into a solid

The ambitious EU-funded SteamBioAfrica project set out to address these multiple challenges. The key aim was to demonstrate that an innovative process called superheated steam torrefaction could be used to transform bush plants into a solid biofuel with coal-like properties. “We wanted to show that the bush could be used [...]

Office Closure Notice

Wishing you a season filled with joy, success, and prosperity! Happy Holidays from all of us at Namibia Biomass Industry Group (N-BiG)! May the festivities bring laughter and great memories. Here’s to a bright and sustainable New Year!

SURE Certification: Empowering Sustainable Biomass

Did you know? N-BiG was appointed as the National Supporting Body for SURE Certification, marking Namibia as the first African country to hold this role. This partnership aims to promote sustainable biomass certification, expand global market access, and foster collaboration with Certification Bodies to certify companies in the biomass value [...]


Namibian Biomass in Numbers

Founding Members

Group Members