N-BIG is involved in a grant-funded EU Horizon 2020 research project called Steambio Africa. The project is implemented by a consortium of 15 partners (local, regional, and international) our Namibian partners are NUST, CCF and Carbon Capital. The SteamBio Africa project aims to:
- Validate the long-term viability of superheated steam processing of harvested bush and other invasive woody biomass species in Southern Africa as a clean, affordable, and secure energy source.
- Confirm acceptance of this fuel source by domestic household consumers and industrial purchasers.
- Develop a plan for post project exploitation that will stimulate bush harvesting leading to long term social, economic, and environmental benefits across the region.
The project is subdivided into 13 Work Packages which ranges from plant design and construction, installation and commissioning, plant operation and optimizing processes, logistics and land management, ecosystem services accounting, market assessment, value chain development, life cycle studies and project impact.
N-BIG ‘s Role in the SteamBio project:
N-BIG is involved in Work packages linked to value chain development, Market assessment and is the leader of Work Package (WP 7) which focuses on Logistics and Land Management. The overall objectives of WP7 are:

To establish the supply chain and provide biomass feedstock to the SHS demonstration plant.

To determine optimal sizes and locations of SHS processing plants.

To produce guidelines in optimal supply chain design in different situations;

To define sustainable land management and aftercare options for local contexts, as well as develop different aftercare land management scenarios
For more information on the SteamBio Africa, please contact

Operations Manager
Tel: +264 61 242 949